It seems impossible in this day and age that we could experience famine. Well, think again. We know not what lies ahead. In the days when the judges ruled – in the Bible – there was a famine that no one thought would occur. A man named Elimelech had no choice but to relocate his family from Bethlehemjudah to the country of Moab, to save their lives. While in Moab, Elimelech died, leaving a wife and two sons. Then about ten years later, both the son’s died – leaving their wives to become widows. So, if being uprooted were not bad enough, now there is grief and bereavement.
Ruth 1:1
Now it came to pass in the days when the judges ruled, that there was a famine in the Land. And a certain man of Bethlehemjudah went to sojourn in the country of Moab, he, and his wife, and his two sons.
Being uprooted abruptly because of a job change or an armed serviceman’s new assignment is one thing; at least provisions are already in place when you arrive. But to move under conditions of duress is another issue altogether. Where is God in all this? Whether it be a famine, illness or Covid-19 many times, we face dilemmas that create within us a sense of conflict, fear, and pain. There you sit, wondering what to do.
Do you operate in fear of faith?
When Covid-19 entered into our lives, many people panicked and raced to the grocery stores to stock up on food and other staples. As a result, extreme shortages of food and other household supplies occurred; this was not a famine. There was plenty of food on earth. What we saw was evidence of fear. Not faith!
God testing and His judgment are inevitable.
God deals with His people in ways to draw them back to Him and show them that He has their back at all times . God decides what method He will use to get the attention of His people. Whether it is to test our faith or to execute His divine judgment, it remains God’s sovereign right.
God is sovereign.
Elimelech faced a tough decision. Should he operate in fear or faith? Elimelech chose to operate in faith. Which will you do? Whether the circumstances were sent or allowed, it came from God, and Elimelech chose to believe in the sovereign rule of God. How are you responding to the circumstances, we are facing today? Are you demonstrating to God your faith, trust and obedience? God prepared Elimelech for what was to come. Even though Elimelech and his son’s died – it was not as a result of the famine. His obedience extended the life of his family, and the blessings did not end there. His widowed daughter-in-law Ruth married the next of kinsman, Boaz. Ruth bore, Obed, who fathered King David, and through that Davidic line came the birth of Jesus Christ. The purpose of God was fulfilled through a divine famine.
The conclusion of the matter: Amidst testing, stay in alignment with the Word of God. No matter what, it looks like God will see you through the difficult days ahead. God shall divinely reward you for your obedience, devotion, and loyalty unto him. God will have your back!
To read more, click Sorting Through God’s Love to take a peek at this dynamic and compelling book that will change your life! Available in eBook or Print. I will see you on your journey!
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