I do not believe you would get much of an argument from anyone if you were to say 2020 has been a tough year! Many of you are still grappling with significant changes that have impacted your life or the lives of others dear to you; all of which was out of your realm to control or fix. And guess what 2020 is not over. We have no idea what the Lord has in store for December.
Change happens.
We understand change happens, just not that it happens so fast and in so many different ways at the same time. How have you processed all the changes that have taken place this year? Did you run, scream, cry, drink, sleep, pray, or what? I prayed, exercised more, sat still, and at times I turned the television and every other device around me off! I did not want to hear or see any more sadness, grief, destruction, chaos, and confusion. I knew that would not change what was happening all around me, but I recognized separating myself from everything for brief periods before these changes overwhelmed me was what I needed.
How should we embrace change?
One of the most important things we can do for ourselves is to recognize when we need to step back from others and sometimes from ourselves in the face of change. Change impacts each one of us in different ways. For myself, when involuntary changes impact my routines, I start misplacing things, forgetting what I should be doing, becoming anxious and easily irritated. That’s when I know I need space and time to adjust so I can better adapt.
In His infinite wisdom, God is even more detailed when it comes to making changes concerning humanity. God applies what we may consider extraordinary measures when it comes to changing us into His image. God goes so far as to RENEW our mind! In other words, He replaces that which is broken or worn out. He gets rid of our distorted or broken way of thinking; by making a complete and dramatic change in our belief system; and our psychological framework. By His Spiritual (supernatural) power working on the inside of us, we go through metamorphose. We wholly change! A remarkable spiritual genetic alteration has taken place on the INSIDE, giving us a new holy; and spiritual appearance on the OUTSIDE.
I believe God is working to change (transform) us during this season. No matter what you believe or whom you believe in, you will not emerge from 2020 unchanged! Like it or not, God is performing a tremendous spiritual genetic alteration inside of us. Be careful not to interrupt the process. God is changing you by renewing your mind for better days ahead because He loves you!
Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
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