I grew up wanting to hear beautiful stories from the senior aged men and women around me. Their colorful life intrigued me, and their wisdom challenged me. They had seen and experienced things that were unknown to me. Did I always agree with their philosophy about life? No. But I was still drawn to these senior adults. Even when I did not agree with their old fashion ways, I did not disrespect them. I cherished them. I still find peace in their presence today.
When ministering in assisted living centers with my husband, we have had the pleasure of meeting and ministering to men and women of all senior ages. Many were over the age of ninety, and there were those above one-hundred years of age. What was so amazing is that they were fully-clothed in their right mind with accuracy continued to share amazing stories
So, it was in the life of Ruth and Naomi. Ruth, a young Moabite girl not of the same culture or race as that of her mother-in-law, Naomi – an older woman, had a bond like none other. Naomi had two son’s that died early in age but our focus is on one son. In the particular death of the son which married Ruth, Ruth becomes a widow. As a result of losing both sons in death, Naomi become childess. During the ten years of marriage to Naomi’s son, Ruth gleaned wisdom from her mother-in-law. She learned who the God of Israel was by watching and listening to stories Naomi spoke of, and prayed to – this is the God of Israel. So, even though the Ruth’s husband and Naomi’s son was no longer there to maintain the ties between them, Ruth refused to leave her mother-in-law.
The day to day ministry of an older woman, sowing into the life of a younger woman had been so impactful, Ruth would not forsake Naomi no matter how much Naomi admonished her to go back to her own mother’s house. Ruth professed to her old her mother-in-law wherever you go, I am going with you!
The takeaway: This Bible lesson spoke volumes to me. Ruth and Naomi set a great example of what it means for the older women to minister to the younger women. It does not matter where you come from, how you look, or even what you believe. In a world of rapid change and vacillating values, we must shore up our ties between the young and the older women. Let us pray that we honor and protect relationships between the old and the young. We need one another!
Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
To read more, click Sorting Through God’s Love to take a peek at this dynamic and compelling book that will change your life! Available in eBook or Print. I will see you on your journey!
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