More and more people are finding themselves trying to live off of rations. Have you ever had to make do with the remnants of what others have left behind? In today’s modern society, with convenience stores on every corner, food delivery services, all you can eat buffets, and much more, being told you are only allowed to have a fixed amount of anything is like a curse to some. Howbeit, the Kingdom of God, is made up of rations, reasons, and remnants.
When Jesus sent the disciples out to preach the gospel, He told them to take no staff, bag, food, money, and no extra clothes for their journey. As a matter of fact, they had no reservations for lodging when they arrived in a city. They depended upon that city’s people to receive them and provide food, lodging, and all their necessities. They had to learn to trust the Lord for EVERYTHING!
What is Christ trying to teach us?
In recent days our world has lived through significant catastrophic events resulting in great shortages—rations at stores. Reasons, explanations, and justifications for the merchant’s rationing food and water were not given to shoppers. It was understood; others are coming behind you! We have watched other nations face food and water shortages, but now it is hitting home in America. Should times worsen, we will all be given the same amount of sustenance in the soup line regardless of race, creed, or nationality. In the great depression, people encountered dark days. Money and resources were scarce, clothing became worn, and people gathered remnants of cloth to make garments we now consider tapestries of art, known as quilts. Prosperity came of their despair.
Some hearts have softened, while others have waxed cold. Do you think the Lord is pleased with our behavior? Better yet, is the Lord pleased with you? What lessons have you learned? Are you closer to Christ now, or have you fallen away and walking in rebellion? Jesus desires that we love one another, not with the heart of man – but the heart of God, and He is looking for those that trust Him.
If you feel broken, confused, or angry – let the Lord know.
In the last days, the Ord will separate the wheat from the tares. There shall be rations of righteous believers who have kept the faith under challenging times. These are believers who did not demand a reason from the Lord when given an assignment or told “no” when they wanted the Lord to say, “yes.” They trusted God’s reasoning. This small minority (remnant) of people accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, denied self, lived holy unto the Lord, and served the Lord with gladness.
Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
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