When you enter a room, and everyone knows you, it’s a great feeling and maybe even a distinguished honor. You do not need to show your ID with your name and picture to make you official. After all, you’re a renowned person. That sounds all well and good. However, you need more than identification to make you recognizable in God’s kingdom. You also need to be classified.
To be classified in the kingdom of God means you have taken on the characteristics of Christ. Your ways are like Christ. Let’s be honest; this likeness does not happen overnight. You wondered if you would fit in with your friends anymore, so you toned it down – not to stand out as one of those holy people. You found out that this holy disposition takes tremendous effort on your part. The natural man in you is opposed to the ways of Christ Jesus.
Nonetheless, you did not like being peculiar in the crowd. We can have a strange color of hair or style of dress and be more accepted than when we take on the peculiar mind of Christ in a dark world.
Do you mind being peculiar for Christ’s sake?
Perhaps that’s why you stopped growing in Christ. You began to notice your faith was not as strong as it once was. You were so excited about being a Christian at one time. It is vital to understand your God-given characteristics place you in a unique category or classification, unlike anyone else. Knowing who you are in Christ is what keeps us balanced and give us well-being. Not only that, but this classification is what ranks you amongst the crowd and makes you peculiar. You should expect and accept the fact that you stand out with honor.
No one can enter into heaven without proper classification.
As a believer, did you realize that you not only need a valid form of identification to enter into eternal life, but you also need to have obtained proper classification having overt characteristics or actions which label you as a Follower of Christ, a Christian, a Believer, a Disciple of Christ. You want the Lord to be able to spot you anywhere! In other words, your spiritual genealogy and DNA should link you to Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, because you will need both forms of ID on you when you meet Him face to face!
But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity.
But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light;
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