God is looking for ordinary people.
When I was growing up, there was a popular Christian song written by Danniebelle Hall named Ordinary People. What beautiful lyrics she scribed to let us know God chooses people that do not have unique qualities; they are not rich and famous. Instead, he wants to use people that desire to do His will above their own.
Oh, what a joy it is to be used by the Master, God in heaven. Just knowing God delights in your service unto Him as better than any accolade we can achieve.
Often time, God uses us when we least expect. We are just going along minding our business and taking care of others, and God takes notice. The little lad with the five loaves and two fish had no idea when he set out to follow Jesus that the Master would use him to bless thousands. Not only that, but we are still reading his story today.
There are many ways to give.
As we learn of people falling upon hard times, le the Lord know you are available. He knows what is safe and what is not. He will show you how and where you can donate time, clothing, and resources to help someone else. We may be unable to go to a shelter or a mission, but we can send resources to aid. To storm victims with small children who need school supplies and clothes – God will show us what to do.
You don’t need much.
Have you ever been destitute? Do you remember what it felt like to lose your job? Where you frightened for yourself and your family. I remember! My husband and I had two small children, and we eventually ran out of resources and needed to depend upon public assistance. Something I never thought I would need. But we never stopped trusting God. We remained faithful to God, and God remained faithful to use. He used that experience to teach us never to judge or look down upon others that are less fortunate than yourself.
Lessons Learned.
Whatever, the little bit that you have, place it in the Master’s hand and watch Him bless it, brake it and multiply it and then give you enough to fill your storehouse.
2 Timothy 3:16 (NLT)
All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.
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