Should you strive to appeal to humanity?
In the previous blog, we discussed King David’s appointment to the throne. But what does the Bible reveal about David’s personality? The Bible describes David as having a beautiful countenance, and he was handsome. The word beautiful means “proper, goodly.” Its highest form applies to that which appeals to the senses or the mind. Beautiful also means “that which stirs a heightened response of the senses and the mind on its highest level.” Notice God did not ascribe the word lovely as a description of David because of lovely rouses emotion rather than intellectual appreciation. Nor did the text say he was pretty, which suggests “appeal based on one’s feelings,” and those feelings are typical of a limited and superficial nature. God focused on David’s face as it related to his look which expressed his character and his heart.
So go ahead, enhance your beauty. But never place more emphasis on outward appearance than the spirit man who lives on the inside of you . It is easy to get lop-sided. The society in which we live draws a picture of what they feel we should be and what we should look like. The old saying beauty is only skin deep is an absolute truth. Strive to be beautiful on the inside and others will see your radiance on the outside!
But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.
The conclusion of the matter: Live a balanced life. The challenge many people have in living a balanced life is the fact that they struggle to understand maintaining a balanced life is a lifetime journey. We cannot accomplish total life equilibrium by designating a certain age, stage, or date as the deadline. Each day there are new wonders to discover and new mountains to climb. What equipped you last year does not always work the next year. Life remains a constant weight and measures balancing act. Here is a word of wisdom. Develop a new outlook and work to embrace challenges without fear or the need to impress others. Just be you!
It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
To read more click Sorting Through God’s Love to take a peek at this dynamic and compelling book that will change your life! Available in eBook or Print. I will see you on your journey!
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