Are you having meltdowns more frequently?
We all have our moments. Some people call them meltdowns. I recall one day weeping when I realized I left my lunch bag at home on the stairs near my door. I kept pondering what did I do? I then remembered I had gone to turn on the alarm system before going out the door, and I put my lunch bag down because there were too many things in my hands. Here it was, about twenty miles later, I go to grab my bag from the back seat only to learn I had forgotten my lunch bag. That’s when I began to cry. Was it because I had no food? No. Was it because I had prepped and prepared the night before, got up early that morning – to be sure I left on time with everything I needed – only to get sidetracked? No. The real issue I was tired. I was exhausted. I had placed so much pressure upon myself always to keep everything together! I am the one who keeps things organized and neat. I realized then that I just wanted someone to the same for me. I no longer wanted to be the one that looks after everything for everybody. I needed the knowledge that God would take care of me, and He would quickly come to my aid. This feeling did not leave me for a few days.
I knew I needed to sit at the Lord’s feet. I wanted to feel His warm embrace. I longed to lay my head upon His shoulder.
I learned that day from that experience some of our moments’ last for days, weeks, months, and sometimes years. It’s essential to be reminded of God’s loving care and concern for His own whenever that happens. Know that you are not the only one who has felt this way. You must cling to God during those times. How do you do that? Spend time in God’s presence. Get a good prayer partner. Read and study the scriptures each day – so you can learn to hear God’s voice. Know in your heart God loves you, and He will take care of you always.
James 4:8a
Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.
Hold on!
David said His feet had almost slipped because He had become discouraged and despondent about life. But before he gave up and threw in the towel, he decided to do one last thing. So what did David do?; He went back to the sanctuary of God and spent time in God’s presence.
Psalm 73:2 , 28
But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well-nigh slipped. 28 But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all thy works.
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